Tuesday 24 February 2015

Year 4 Camp

Last Thursday and Friday we had our Year 4 Camp.  All the children were super excited on Thursday when they arrived to school, that they got to spend the night out on the field in tents.  They arrived back at 5:30 and we started straight into lots of fun camp activities.

Here's a few snaps from camp.


We have been learning about capacity in Maths.  We made some estimations and then tested a variety of containers to see which one holds the most.  Some of us were suprised about some of the tall containers.  We found out that they need to be wide and tall to hold the most water.

Thursday 12 February 2015

Art Studio Term 1

This week we were lucky to visit the art studio where we made cushions.  We used a collage technique to colour in our owls.  They look super effective.  Check out our awesome designs!