Tuesday 19 May 2015

Cross Country 2015

On Monday we had fantastic weather for our cross country.  We were all very excited in the morning and we couldn't wait until race time.  Well done to Faith who was first in the Year 3 girls race.  What an awesome job.  Congratulations to everyone, you all tired your best and I am proud of you all!

Mighty Marmite

As part of our inquiry for this term we a learning about food from different cultures.  The other day we tried Sanitarium marmite from New Zealand and compared it with Our Mate, marmite from England.  We then wrote descriptions about the two different marmites.

Thursday 7 May 2015

Art studio Term 2 - Pacassio Art

We have just completed our time in the art studio this week.  We were learning about abstract art and using a famous painting of Pablo Picasso to inspire us.

Initially we looked at different aspects of the face, profile and full frontal.  Next we practised different styles and decided on one to use for our good copy.  Then we painted these using the technique of tinting paint to create different shades of colour.

On our next visit we learned about zentangle patterns.

Finally we added some of these to our backgrounds.  They look really effective and make our art work pop.

Take a look at all of Room 16's wonderful artists!