Wednesday 19 August 2015

Cambodian Spring Rolls

This afternoon Room 16 made Cambodian Spring Rolls as part of our inquiry learning.  Next week we will be writing recipes for these spring rolls.  Thanks to Mrs Jenkins for coming in and helping us out with it, we all enjoyed it tremendously!

Tuesday 18 August 2015

Art Studio

We had our second trip to the art studio today.  Take a look at our cool under the sea creations.

Thursday 6 August 2015

Art Studio

Today we spent the first two blocks in the art studio.  We were making three dimensional figures of sea creatures.  We first of all had to draw our sea creature.  Then it was our challenge to make this sea creature look three dimensional by using tin foil.  Take a look at some of our work so far.

Writing a procedure

Over the last two weeks we have been learning about procedural writing.

We wrote a procedure for a science experiment we carried out in class.  We also wrote a procedural text for how to blow a bubble gum bubble.  We learnt that each piece of equipment starts with a bullet point and a capital letter.  Each instruction had to be numbered and  needed to start with a bossy verb.

Check out our writing!