Tuesday 8 December 2015

Taranaki Beach End of Year Trip

Yesterday we got to go on our long awaited beach trip to the Mount.  First we all piled onto the bus, we were all super excited about our day ahead.

Once we arrived at the Mount we went into to life guard club rooms.  The Surf Life Guards taught us lots of interesting things about how we can be responsible beach users.  Next we had a tour around the club house and checked out all the special equipment the life guards use.

After lunch was time to have fun in the water.  We made our own miniature version of a rip on the beach.  Later we played relay games on the sand and water.  Room 16 were all very tired by the bus ride back home.

Thanks so much to all the parents that came and helped us out with the trip.  You guys are awesome!!!  

Thursday 26 November 2015

Descriptive Writing

We recently were learning about writing descriptions.  We wrote our descriptions about well known fairy tale characters.
We had to include; adjectives, to create strong images
                                a simile
                                use a variety of punctuation
Take a look at some or our wonderful descriptions about the Big Bad Wolf.

Big Bad Wolf

In a deep, dark, unsafe hole lives the Big Bad Wolf.  He’s wicked, rotten and foul.

He looks hairy, he’s got giant eyes and he has a long twirly tail.

Also look for a wolf that can talk, lies and murders people and he’s sneaky.  Don’t be fooled like a wombat getting tricked.

His actions are that he slinks a lot and he’s lazy and spies.  Don’t sleep too much he could sneak up on you and poison you. 

My advice for you is to keep doing what you’re doing.  DON'T FALL FOR A LIE!

By Blake.

The Big Naughty Wolf

In the deep, dark scary forest lives a big bad wolf.

The Big Bad Wolf has huge eyes big as dinner plates.  The Big Bad Wolf has teeth as sharp as knifes.  The Big Bad Wolf has a hairy body like a huge bird.

The nasty naughty wolf always likes to trick people and be sneaky.  He always crashes into people to be mean.  (Also he thinks he is good at tricking people but he is bad.)

The scary wolf loves running around and tricks people.  The big wolf likes spying on people.  He likes searching for food.
He’s really sneaky and naughty.  I would not like to meet him ever.

By Jazmyne.

The Big Bad Wolf

In a deep dark forest lived the big bad wolf. The big bad wolf was cruel, corrupt, and chronic and deplorable!

He looked hairy and mean with eyes as big as plates. He had teeth as sharp as spikes too. He  wearied   cloths and his eyes as shiny as lights.

The big bad wolf was super scary and mean. He was the sneakiest wolf who ever lived.  He makes sure he eats everyone in sight.

The big bad wolf runs around searching for people to eat. He loves to trick people too. He’s much disguised like a spy.

He will never give up. And I also think he will always be bad. And I also think he will always trick people.

By Josh.

      THE BIG BAD WOLF    

The Big Bad Wolf lives in the deep, dark forest. The Big Bad Wolf is brown furred, he wears a overalls  and has sharp teeth .   He fur is spiked like a porcupine.   

The Big Bad Wolf is evil, mean.  He also lies and is very sneaky.

The Big Bad wolf spy’s on people like looking at a photo on the wall and he tricks people.  He always is searching for food like a tiger.

The Big Bad wolf should go to school to learn how to be nice. I think the Big Bad Wolf should go to prison for a life time.  The Big Bad Wolf shouldn’t eat people he should eat human food.        

By Charlie

Presentation to Denise Arnold

Today we made our presentation to Denise Arnold from the Cambodia Charitable Trust.  From all our Fundraising we were able to present a check to her for $1,200.00.  Awesome work Taranaki Syndicate!

Wednesday 19 August 2015

Cambodian Spring Rolls

This afternoon Room 16 made Cambodian Spring Rolls as part of our inquiry learning.  Next week we will be writing recipes for these spring rolls.  Thanks to Mrs Jenkins for coming in and helping us out with it, we all enjoyed it tremendously!

Tuesday 18 August 2015

Art Studio

We had our second trip to the art studio today.  Take a look at our cool under the sea creations.

Thursday 6 August 2015

Art Studio

Today we spent the first two blocks in the art studio.  We were making three dimensional figures of sea creatures.  We first of all had to draw our sea creature.  Then it was our challenge to make this sea creature look three dimensional by using tin foil.  Take a look at some of our work so far.

Writing a procedure

Over the last two weeks we have been learning about procedural writing.

We wrote a procedure for a science experiment we carried out in class.  We also wrote a procedural text for how to blow a bubble gum bubble.  We learnt that each piece of equipment starts with a bullet point and a capital letter.  Each instruction had to be numbered and  needed to start with a bossy verb.

Check out our writing!

Thursday 25 June 2015


We have been learning about Matariki and the constellation. Matariki is a small cluster of stars and it is also known as Plieades.There are several hundred stars but only seven of them can be seen.Matariki is a traditional Maori New Year. Matariki is celebrated with education and sharing ideas. Matariki is a time for remembering people you've lost.

Sunday 21 June 2015

Bruce Potter Visit

On Friday the Taranaki Syndicate were very lucky to have Bruce Potter come and talk to us about his occupation of writing and illustrating books.  He is a super talented author and illustrator.  He even writes songs.  He showed us a few of his books, showed us how he illustrates pictures and created one on the spot for us, he even gave us some tips and techniques that we can use.  He was extremely interesting to listen to.

If you would like to purchase any of his book you can get them off Trade me.  He said if you wrote a comment and asked he would even illustrate a personal picture in the cover for you.